Monthly Fresh Flowers Subscription
Our most unforgettable gift, the Monthly Flowers Subscription provides your recipient with a special surprise every month! Our best seasonal flowers are hand-selected to create a unique and custom bouquet. Choose from 3, 6, and 12-month subscriptions at a variety of price points. We will include a special note telling them of your incredible gift with their first delivery.
The perfect gift for yourself, a parent, or for a company. Flowers make the world a better place – and who doesn’t love to have some flowers in their environment.
Important Details:
- Free Delivery of your bouquet for each month of your subscription.
- Your floral gift will arrive during the second week of each month.
- Subscriptions are for consecutive month delivery only and can not be combined with any other offers. Valid for local Peterborough deliveries only.
- You will be billed the entire amount for your order on purchase date. HST will be added to your total subscription cost.
- For custom flowers, delivery dates, multiple recipients, add-ons, and other questions please contact us at 705-742-1617.
Size Choices:
$65 Bouquet | $55 Bouquet | $45 Bouquet | |
3 Month Subscription | $195 | $165 | $135 |
6 Month Subscription | $390 | $330 | $270 |
12 Month Subscription | $780 | $660 | $540 |
Bonus Value
6 month subscription receives a free vase with their first month of fresh flowers!
12 month subscription receives a free vase with their first month of fresh flowers plus a special additional bouquet delivered on their birthday!

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Prevent Porch Piracy
Did you know you can have your parcels delivered to our store address? We’ll keep them safe until you get here and there is no charge for this service.
This service is provided at no additional cost to you, but we appreciate small donations in our local community charity box!
Call us to learn more!